Hello everyone,

My name is Erin McClure. I will be coaching your daughter this
basketball season with the help of my fiance, Jaime. Jaime and I have been together for almost 10 years now, and we coached basketball here in Dunlap last season. We had a great time!

Before we jump into details I'd like to give a brief description of
our background:

My family and I moved to Dunlap, IL from Kenosha, WI in June of 2017. We have four daughter's, who love sports and being involved. I love sports too! I
played basketball since I was a young girl along with many other sports. I have
coached basketball for 4 years. This year will be my 5th year coaching, and Jaime's 3rd year as an assistant coach. I am also going through training to become a Lacrosse coach, so if your girls are interested in joining Lacrosse registration is open:)

We will have practice every Tuesday and Thursday. Our first practice will be Tuesday, December 4th from 6:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m.
In our first practice, we will start out by getting to know one another. I believe it is important for teammates and coaches to have a strong bond. Next, we will go over the rules and expectations. Then, depending on the experience of my athletes, we will start off with some basic drills. If ALL the girls have played in the past and know the basics we will move forward with intermediate drills. We will eventually learn plays as well.

A quote I use often when coaching: "we are only as strong as our weakest player."

Items needed:
Please have your daughter bring a basketball, size 28.5
Also, be sure she wears tennis shoes and comfy clothes to practice.
Lastly, a water bottle.

Missed practices or games:
I ask that you please let me know in advance if your child will miss
practice or games.

Cancellation of games:
If school is canceled, games and practices are canceled. If snowfall
starts later in the day and you do not feel safe driving to and from
practice please don't risk it. I will also be sure to send an email if
games or practices are canceled.

Please feel free to contact me or my fiancé with any questions. Feel
free to contact us via e-mail or via cell (call or text). Our numbers
are (262)818-6919 (Erin) and (262)818-6991 (Jaime).

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you on December 4th.

Thank you,

Erin & Jaime